we all want that perfect life, that perfect everything , perfect man, perfect grades,perfect job, perfect boss...
But then when you walk away and look at it, you'll see a boring life where you don't have to make any sacrifice, you ll see a life so boring that you'll be willing to create some problem to make it interesting, such life doesn't worth a thinking, it doesn't require much of a brain, an animal with instincts can live it !
a great life is the one that can be felt, every step of the way, it's the life you have to think about,the one filled with problems that you'll feel every happy moment, and enjoy it the best you can, such a life with a not so perfect man, a not so perfect grades, not so perfect boss, is a life to taste, it's the life to Live and to survive !
I mean when everything is way far in the imperfection it may be exhausting too, but it's certainly something to talk about, somethin to feel, and something to enjoy !
The only perfect thing, is full of imperfections !