Everything is you...
"you are everything to me"
is probably the most powerful sentence you could ever say to anyone, "you are everything to me" doesn't just mean "i love you" or "i adore you", it means "i chose you to be the one for me", it means you are my friend, you are my lover, you're my brother, my baby, my compagnon, and my reason...
"you are everything to me" is not just a matter of feelings, it's more of a matter of choice, it's the fact that one's life can't be complete without the other, that one's life became whole when the other one got in, "you are everything to me" means you are my heart and soul, it means that you are my life, saying i love you, is one thing, you can love as many people as you can, but saying "you are my everything" mean everything else !
to the one who stole my heart, you are my EVERYTHING and more !