How a man Falls in love

3:06:00 PM angelmissme 0 Comments

We all, men and women alike, might feel the same emotions when it comes to love, but the journey to finding love is an experience differentiated by gender. When women fall in love, they are filled with bursts of happiness and other mixed emotions, which a man will never be able to comprehend. Men on the other hand, are a completely different ballgame.

10 Secrets Girly Girls Will Never Tell You

2:59:00 PM angelmissme 0 Comments

What makes a girly girl? Perfect makeup and pristine hair? Being at one with your feminine side? Screaming when boys come too close? It’s all too easy to make sweeping assumptions when you meet a girl who seems overly in touch with her inner goddess, but actually we’re not as put together or as intimidating as we make out.

The main comparison to a girly girl is probably a tomboy – and both of these female stereotypes can be easily picked apart in order to dismiss assumptions about women taking on characteristics from each ‘category’. However, if we’re looking at overly feminine females, the stereotypical girly girl will usually always be perfectly covered in makeup, shriek when she stands in a puddle, prefer skirts and dresses over trousers, rarely swear in public, wear cute matching clothing combos, and generally just act like a total Disney princess. However, it’s all a TOTAL SHAM.
Sure, a girly girl might take time on her appearance to enhance her femininity and dismiss the idea of leaving the house looking a mess (she’s got expectations to uphold, remember – you know, those ones she set herself), but she isn’t a one dimensional character. She’s a real life human being, not a Barbie doll.
Here are 12 secrets you should know about the girliest of girls, in order to put any preconceptions you had about them to one side.

Mind Blowing Pictures

1:06:00 PM angelmissme 0 Comments

Wooden Palest

All in one !

12:02:00 PM angelmissme 0 Comments

Ruban DIY

11:51:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

The right person....

2:33:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

when you are with the right person: one else in the world, can trun your head even slightely problems in the world can pull you away 3.they are your best friend, your other half, your sweetheart, your everything matter how much you fight, you can't sleep without saying goodnight 5.there would never be enough words in the world to describe what you feel, but you never strop trying!


2:31:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

I was looking for happiness... until i met you, a friend, best friend, a lover, you are part of who i am... when i look at you i don't just see my other part, i see part of my soul, i love you, like a friend , like a mother, like a lover i love you with all the meaning that love holds and more, your love keeps me alive, and no matter how much i try to level with it, i would never find the right words to describe the way i feel for you, but that doesn't stop me from trying! I'm not just in love with you, i am passionate about you! you are my happiness..

My Love

2:08:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

You were my best friend, long before you became my lover, and we shared every secret, a Brother, who felt every pain i felt, and who protected me, from everything, you were my baby, long before you became my soulmate, and i felt for you, every look, every pain and every trouble, now that you are my man, my lover, and my sweetheart, you're still , my confidant, my protector, my sweet baby and my angel... until the day, you become the father of my child

Friends, lovers ...Forever

2:06:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

they thought we were, brother and sister ! i'd say we are best friends, and we're each other's confidant, we care for each other like brother & sister, protect each other like father & daughter, and love each other like husband & wife, so no matter how you look at us, he's my angel and i'm his baby, he's my love and i'm his own !

A look...

5:07:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

He looked at her as she was the most perfect thing in the world, She only thinks about, him, he was her perfect match,her everything And the rest of the world, just look at them, envy them, and forget they exist! She is his world, and he's hers

Love is...

4:03:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

Some people are made for each other, they are meant to be together, it's not coomplicated nor hard, they're just the perfect fit, the other half, soulmates... you are my better half, my beautiful guift, my treasure... i love you


4:02:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments


When you fall in love you don't just fall in love with the person in front of you, nor their look ( i won't deny that it's not a factor :p ) but, you fall in love with the smell, the way they feel, you fall in love with the way they look at you, with the special smile, that's yours, you fall in love with the way they light up just for the sight of you, you fall in love with the taste of their lips, the way how your fingers intertwined, you fall madly in love with the way they treat you, and what keeps you going is the brains ! wink emoticon heart emoticon you don't need to settle for anything less, cause the one, is definitely worth the wait ! fall in love with the one with who you can be crazy, together !


4:02:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

my life was a bunch of movies, series, loneliness, no matter who's around, and a constant feeling of sadness, until... i met you


4:01:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

we all want that perfect life, that perfect everything , perfect man, perfect grades,perfect job, perfect boss...

But then when you walk away and look at it, you'll see a boring life where you don't have to make any sacrifice, you ll see a life so boring that you'll be willing to create some problem to make it interesting, such life doesn't worth a thinking, it doesn't require much of a brain, an animal with instincts can live it ! a great life is the one that can be felt, every step of the way, it's the life you have to think about,the one filled with problems that you'll feel every happy moment, and enjoy it the best you can, such a life with a not so perfect man, a not so perfect grades, not so perfect boss, is a life to taste, it's the life to Live and to survive !

I mean when everything is way far in the imperfection it may be exhausting too, but it's certainly something to talk about, somethin to feel, and something to enjoy !

The only perfect thing, is full of imperfections !

Everything is you...

4:01:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

"you are everything to me" is probably the most powerful sentence you could ever say to anyone, "you are everything to me" doesn't just mean "i love you" or "i adore you", it means "i chose you to be the one for me", it means you are my friend, you are my lover, you're my brother, my baby, my compagnon, and my reason... "you are everything to me" is not just a matter of feelings, it's more of a matter of choice, it's the fact that one's life can't be complete without the other, that one's life became whole when the other one got in, "you are everything to me" means you are my heart and soul, it means that you are my life, saying i love you, is one thing, you can love as many people as you can, but saying "you are my everything" mean everything else ! to the one who stole my heart, you are my ‎EVERYTHING‬ and more  !

Make up free !

3:55:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

live your life ‪#‎make_up_free‬ ... It's not just the make up that gives you an extra layer of skin , and makes you think you're pretty(when really it doesn't make you any prettier), but all kind of make up, that covers your inner self, your inner beauty; when you wear a mask so they can like you, when you wear a mask just to be loved, for something you're not ...

Love of my life

3:54:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

what does it mean to call someone the "love of your life"? it's a really ‪Complicated‬ question, but the answer, for me, at least, is very simple, i never qualified any one to be the love of my life, till now , the love of your life is the one you're willing to die for, and live for, he's the one to whom you're willing to give everything and anything, he's the one you love most, more than yourself, most of the time ! he's the one you think about when you open your eyes, and the one you think about last before you fall asleep, the one you dream about at night, and most part of the day . the love of your life is the one you live in die in, the one who becomes your hopes and dreams,the one you can't imagine a day without, and when you close your eyes at night to pray, you pray for him, forgetting yourself ! Real love is selfless, unlimited, endless, so if you feel that way for someone, it's probable that you found the one you can call the love of your life, so never let them go ! ever!!

No matter where...

3:53:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

Distance‬ may be the hardest thing but if you survive it, you'd know, that you met the ‪one‬ who can never live without you the one you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with, and when that happens, you'll be sure, that you will never ever get bored of him!


3:51:00 AM angelmissme 0 Comments

a strange dream, can tell a lot about when you feel inside, it may open your eyes on another dimension where reality, is a delusion, i always trusted my dreams, and in a way, i can say that they guided me, and gave me a new perspective; but when you live a dream that's so real, that you can almost touch it, it can change the way you look at yourself. i never though i loved this much, until the day i fought the demons of my past, for you!